DelCampo School

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The Importance of High-Quality Early Education Post-COVID Pandemic

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To begin with, I would like to thank DelCampo School for allowing me to use this platform to speak openly, truthfully, and honestly about the future of our children. As a child psychologist and educational expert with more than 30 years of experience, I have witnessed first-hand how high-quality education positively impacts children. On the other hand, I have witnessed one too many children suffering academically, socially, and even emotionally; consequently, giving up on learning altogether.

On July 20, I will be publishing a thought-provoking Blog covering research-based and compelling information regarding The negative effects children faced by not receiving high-quality, early education, especially during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Today, more and more research is calling our attention to the impact of the Pandemic on all aspects of our children's development, including cognitively, academically, socially-emotionally and physically. What’s more, the importance of children 2 to 4 years of age having access to early, high-quality learning experiences before entering Kindergarten.

On July 22, I will share my next blog: How can high-quality, early education help students bounce back and close their educational gap Post-COVID Pandemic?  

Quick Recap on the impact the COVID Pandemic has had on Early Childhood Learning Opportunities

Come to think of it, it's been 1 1/2 years since the COVID Pandemic suddenly disrupted our lives. Even though we are all hoping to return to some type of normalcy soon, we need to understand that the effects of the Pandemic on our children's learning will last for many years to come.

To make matters worse, many students stopped learning altogether. Others got short sided by schools improvising as they attempted to switch to online learning and minimizing their lack of technological advances, teacher training, curricular standards and best teaching practices. Many resorted to using e-mails or other digital tools used in social media environments to teach our children. Most schools simply failed our children. As a World-Class School, DelCampo School did not.

Why, you may ask? In my professional opinion, DelCampo School genuinely cares for its students by placing them first. This is evidenced in their vision and mission, a culture of innovation and data-driven decisions, and their legacy of proven results over time.

On March 19, 2020, DelCampo School, published its blog How Did DelCampo School Manage To Continue Teaching Despite The COVID-19? to share with all its stakeholders and the public in general how DCS was the only school in Honduras prepared to provide high-quality online learning even when the school campus had to close.

Since day one of the Pandemic, DCS keeps honouring its day-to-day commitment to provide the highest quality education and cutting-edge tools to foster students' highest potential. DelCampo School already had world-class educational and technological best practices in place, to provide continuity of learning to students even before the Pandemic started. This is why DelCampo School stands proud as The World-Class School in Honduras.


What about this past 2020-2021 School Year 

The 2020-2021 academic year was not much better for many children since their parents were faced with the tough decision to only register their oldest children due to financial constraints, leaving their younger children’s education on hold. 

Other parents were forced to register their children in programs that provided limited and/or below standard learning opportunities, while others resorted to homeschool programs that only provided basic educational resources and left the teaching to well-intentioned but unqualified adults, hoping that some basic education would be better than none at all. 

Emotionally, our children are facing anxiety, uncertainty, and even great losses, but their needs are not being addressed. Academically, too many programs that promise high-quality education have yet to demonstrate external, independent, objective and standards-based measures of the academic performance of their students.

How did the DelCampo School community collectively thrive amidst the Pandemic? 

First and foremost, DelCampo School helped its educational community by establishing a COVID relief fund to financially help DCS families impacted by the Pandemic. This ensured continuity of world-class learning opportunities for DCS students.

For more evidence of authentic learning and evidence-based successes from DCS students, please visit the following link 

 Good News, there is hope for this new 2021-2022 School Year

As bad as COVID 19 Pandemic has been, it has forced us all to conscientiously and carefully evaluate private schools in Honduras. Parents need to demand evidence when looking at educational proposals, ask the right questions, and make sure they hold schools accountable for their child's progress. 

It is up to all of us to embrace these challenges and propose immediate, authentic, and top-notch early learning opportunities to help our children bounce back and succeed.  

Remember, my next blog will be published on July 22. Let us continue the conversation by addressing The negative effects children faced by not receiving high-quality, early education, especially during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

About the Author

Jacqueline Casanova, MSEd

  • Bachelors in Psychology, Emory University, USA

  • Masters in Science & Education, University of Miami, USA